Cookies for when you’re up at 2 AM contemplating your life choices

By Noemy Campos It’s not easy being a college student, especially when you’re trying to balance school, work, clubs, and on top of that everything else going on in your life. At times, it all overwhelms me and I feel like I’m ready to give up. And to be honest, I genuinely think about itContinue reading “Cookies for when you’re up at 2 AM contemplating your life choices”

Tofu Veggie Bowl: An Exploration of Air Fryer & Microwave Capacities 

By Kiana Hugins  As a long-term vegetarian (going on 9 years!) that has always been eager to explore new things to give myself the nutrients I need, I have found solace in air fryers. Even if they are a fad, they are truly a miracle and make my life so much easier and broadened myContinue reading “Tofu Veggie Bowl: An Exploration of Air Fryer & Microwave Capacities “

Cooking in Excess: Chickpea Curry

Written by Kiana Hugins As a college student with way too much going on, trying to maintain a balanced vegetarian diet can be difficult. Most days, I defeatedly fall victim to a quick bowl of pasta or a frozen Annie’s meal. However, within the last couple of months, I have learned the power of mealContinue reading “Cooking in Excess: Chickpea Curry”

Tips on Looking into Grad School from a Fellow Undergrad

by Adriana Hernandez E. So, you’ve become a Bobcat. You walk on Scholars Lane, you enjoy your upper division classes, and developed a color-coding system for your notes and agenda. Maybe you even created a file on your phone dedicated to cow and bunny pics (I know I have). You’ve met amazing people. All isContinue reading “Tips on Looking into Grad School from a Fellow Undergrad”

Consultant Abroad

by Evelyn Rodarte Have you ever wanted to travel around the world? Recently I studied abroad in the United Kingdom. Although I was only there for two months, I did get to learn and experience a lot of enriching culture. Before my journey, I was nervous for the transition into a different environment. Although thereContinue reading “Consultant Abroad”

Cold Days Lead to Warm Memories

by Jessica Chapman Food is worth way more to people than the number of calories it contains or the kinds of nutrients that it gives you. Meals can bring people together in a way that nothing else can, pulling us to sit and enjoy not only the food, but the company of those around you.Continue reading “Cold Days Lead to Warm Memories”

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